Christian Karate School - Where GOD is our Supreme Master!

Our History

Our History


The name Ten-Do is a Japanese term, meaning “Way of Heaven”. Ten-Do Christian Karate is a martial arts system that brings people (Christians and also non-Christians) together in fellowship.

The Ten-Do martial arts system was founded by Master, Carl A. Matthews in 2008 after many years of dedicated training in multiple forms of self-defense. It is a harmonic blend of the various martial arts systems he has studied, including Yoshukai, Shotokan, Sho-Ko Jitsu, Shorin Ryu, Tae kwon do, and Moo Kwon Do.

The road to what is now the Faith Fighter’s Dojo (home of Ten-Do Karate) began around 2005, when Master Matthews felt that GOD was calling on him build his own Christian martial arts academy. He strongly felt the need to create a martial arts system that encouraged Christian values, while staying true to the disciplines of Japanese Karate-Do. His goal was to help families, youths, and mature adults connect with each other in a safe, positive Christian atmosphere that encourages goal setting and personal growth.

The Ten-Do system is rooted on the premise that with great power comes great responsibility. Martial arts training, like the bible, has its place in life. It can help people learn to better deal with the inevitable conflicts and situations that life throws at you. This system was created to give students the power to defend themselves properly and, through the teachings of Jesus Christ, give them the self-control and wisdom to handle that power.

It is important to understand that martial arts, in itself, is not religion, in that it is not an institute of service and worship of God. It is only a tool to learn a necessary life-saving skill. However, without the guidance of God and the Bible, martial arts can be misapplied. This is why “Faith, Honor, and Respect” is our motto and we “fight by faith”, avoiding physical altercation whenever possible.